

Founder - Dr. Adam Harris

Previously a research mathematician, Breathers Founder Adam is a qualified Oxygen Advantage Functional Breathing instructor.

Adam originally built the Breathers App for his own personal use to practice Coherent Breathing, later on realising that this app could potentially do some good in the world.

He strongly believes that the effects of dysfunctional breathing are vastly overlooked in society today and wants to do something to help raise awareness of this, and to help people learn these powerful, natural techniques that can change their lives for the better.

Adam teaches Functional Breathing via one-on-one online sessions, to anyone who thinks it might improve their life. If you are interested then please fill out the form below, with as much information as possible about your problems and/or goals.

Bring your mind & body back to Super-Mode

Breathers Health & Meditation Ltd.

UK Registered Company 14241078

Bring your mind & body back to Super-Mode

Breathers Health & Meditation Ltd.

UK Registered Company 14241078